Wide Lens

A poem in the shape of a camera's wide lens attachment. It reads as follows: You can't go around doing everything at once Trying to do so will eventually make you mad Arguing there is so much you want to create So that you have a reason to go do things You complain there is not enough time For everything you want to get done Wishing for more hours in the day Though most would end wasted Find harmony between the two A way to make them balance Taking a deep breath helps Slow things down just a bit You can only do one thing Only one mind is working One to pay full attention Even multitasking is one Focus on what you want Just one thing for now The rest comes later But one at a time Wait your turn It will come Be ready Let go Be I

Take a step back and look at life through a wide lens. Appreciate how far you’ve come instead of getting caught up on where you want to be. Life unfolds one day at a time; appreciate every moment as it passes. They only come around once; blink, and you will miss them.

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