
A poem about purpose in the shape of a hear that reads as follows: Geometric Poetry Make images of the poems Share them for all to enjoy They may not break the internet But they will still be nice to read Play around and create new sentences Finding ways to bring my vision to life Emphasizing the fun patterns and smooth curves that each line helps create Doodle over the thumbnail to make my imagination easier to understand Post those shapes on Pinterest with the link to the poem underneath The shapes will stir curiosity and make others want to hit the link Once there, they see the words that constructed the shapes The fun patterns are still there though less obvious As they search for what they previously saw They can't help but read the words Though some make no sense There are lines of gold Hidden treasures Go seeking Find

I had a change of heart, so here is a new take on an old poem. As I continue to write, I get a better sense of this site’s purpose. Life is filled with learning opportunities, and I am determined to learn as much as I can.