
A poem with a creative shape that reads as follows: We Are born With creativity Waiting to be worn A mind-bending ability Imagining any possibility But then we are boxed in By the labels we're given Drawing within the lines Not seeing all of the lies Interest in discovery lost Practicality's hidden cost By accepting how we feel We can begin to finally heal Trying to make life feel new Will allow for a breakthrough A muse is hidden in your heart Waiting for the day that you start Finally living up to all of your capacities And seeing the world as full of possibilities

We are all born with innate creativity, a potential that lies deep within. As we grow up, we often become boxed in by societal labels and practicality, making us lose touch with our imaginative abilities. We can heal and discover new possibilities by accepting and nurturing our innate creativity. So embrace your creative side and start living up to your capacities; a world of possibilities awaits those who dare to imagine beyond the status quo.