
A poem in the shape of an egg that reads as follows: People are good Or at least they try to be Based on their understanding The way in which you respond is key That hurtful remark coming from a friend Tears are fought as they claim it was a jest Trust they speak only out of good intentions Believe they want to see you become your best That joke pointing out your flaws and imperfections As if you did not already know all about their being It is not meant to be cold and heartless in delivery They just want to motivate your own well-being There's nothing you have to physically change Though mentally there is a lot to work on Change on how you view yourself You are more than a pawn Insecurities can improve Confidence is freeing Life will be confusing Until you start seeing It doesn't take much To change perspective When you look in the mirror See how the universe is connective

Just as an egg contains the potential for life, we too have the potential to change and grow. Sometimes it takes a shift in perspective to realize that people are inherently good. Let us respond with love and trust, and allow ourselves to become our best selves.