Embryonic Diapause

A part of the poem titled Embryonic Diapause from Metamorphosis: Unveiling My Inner Light by Ana Castillo Jimenez that reads: I am the master, the captain of my ship, Navigating emotions with love's tight grip. I am ready to step forward into a new shore, Toward a land where there are dreams to explore. With every breath, I release what no longer serves, I honor my emotions, their purpose observed. The journey unfolds, as I let go of the past, I look forward to the future, ready to be free at last.

After taking a couple of weeks off, this seemed like a fitting poem to come back with. It is part of the poem Embryonic Diapause from my book MetamorphosisI have decided to focus more on releasing the things that no longer serve me so that I can fill my cup and help myself succeed. 

The title of this poem is one of my favorite ones in this book because it is a nod to my scientific background. I am a biologist by training and I did plenty of research on the process of metamorphosis before writing this book. One of the processes I stumbled upon was the embryonic diapause that may occur if the egg is laid under unfavorable conditions.

If the weather or environment isn’t right for the butterfly to hatch, the egg will enter a diapause in which its development halts as it waits for a better time to hatch. During this time, the embryo stops growing and waits. I feel like I’ve been doing that for the past couple of weeks, just waiting.

I am waiting for inspiration, waiting for energy, waiting for the time to be right. But the time is never right. Sometimes, you just have to hatch and hope for the best. I am done waiting; I am ready to step forward into a new shore.