Today is a day where love’s varieties bloom,
Each blossom glows and dispels gloom.
Today is a day of showing affection in many ways,
As we each hope for better and brighter days.
Some loves roar like the ocean, vast and deep,
Others whisper like the wind filled secrets to keep.
Some Loves burn like the sun, fiery, fierce and bright,
Others are gentle as the moon, a soft, soothing light.
Among these wonders, a truth silently grows,
The most precious love, within us glows.
Not in the love given or received, does its value lie,
But in the love for oneself that does not hide.
This love is a fortress, a sanctuary of peace,
Where doubts are quieted and judgments cease.
It’s the kindness we offer, to our own soul,
That fills our heart and makes us feel whole.
The day of love is today, Valentine’s Day. We often think it is only about our love for others or the one that others hold for us. While those two are important to have, there is one that we often forget to care about; the one we hold for ourselves.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself today, and honestly, everyday. Treat yourself kindly by learning to love who you are beyond your body. There is so much more to you than what others see; those are the parts worth loving and exploring.
The side of you that no one sees, the person you are when there’s nothing you’re hiding. That is the part that is always worth loving, that is what makes you a unique being. Treasure it always, even if you have ignored it or not liked it before.