
A poem in the shape of a finger print that reads as follows: The one thing you love The one thing that is you The one thing you enjoy doing The one thing that makes you smile The one thing everyone should have The one thing you can't get enough of The one thing that makes you want more The one thing that makes everything okay The one thing you would invest yourself in The one thing that makes others disappear The one thing that makes you feel excited The one thing that makes life worth living The one thing the world is better off with The one thing that makes you skip a beat The one thing that makes you feel calm The one thing you are daydreaming of The one thing that puts you to sleep The one thing that puts you at ease The one thing that puts you in flow The one thing worth caring about The one thing worth fighting for The one thing that relaxes you The one thing you are good at The one thing you want to do The one thing worth sharing The one thing on your mind

You leave your print everywhere you go. Create a unique mark in the world by doing the one thing that only you can do.